Migration Guide to Swiper 7


Swiper JavaScript files are now transpiled targeting ES2015 syntax. If you need to support older syntax, then you should transpile it on your own (for example with Babel)

Node ES Modules

Swiper NPM package is now a pure ESM package. Which means it doesn't have CommonJS modules anymore (the ones with require() and module.exports syntax) and contains only native ES modules. If your bundler/tooling/environment doesn't support Node ES module, you should update it or stay on Swiper 6.

You can check this guide about using pure ESM packages.

Styles Imports

As Swiper 7 uses exports field in package.json, all styles imports are predefined and it is not allowed to import files directly.

In Swiper 6:

// swiper bundle styles
import 'swiper/swiper-bundle.min.css'

// swiper core styles
import 'swiper/swiper.min.css'

// modules styles
import 'swiper/components/navigation/navigation.min.css'
import 'swiper/components/pagination/pagination.min.css'

In Swiper 7:

// swiper bundle styles
import 'swiper/css/bundle'

// swiper core styles
import 'swiper/css'

// modules styles
import 'swiper/css/navigation'
import 'swiper/css/pagination'

Swiper Svelte

Swiper Svelte components in package are available only as uncompiled .svelte files for better compatibility with Vite and Svelte Kit.

Swiper Angular

Swiper Angular components are now compatible only with Angular 12+

HTML Layout

Swiper container element now should have class swiper instead of swiper-container:

In Swiper 6:

<div class="swiper-container">
  <div class="swiper-wrapper">
    <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1</div>

In Swiper 7:

<div class="swiper">
  <div class="swiper-wrapper">
    <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1</div>

Parameters Updates

Some parmeters defaults have been updated in Swiper 7:

Modules Installation

Before Swiper 7, modules had to be installed using Swiper.use() method on Swiper class. In version 7 it is still supported, but there is a new recommended way of installing modules using modules parameter:

In Swiper 6:

import Swiper, { Navigation, Pagination } from 'swiper';

Swiper.use([Navigation, Pagination]);

new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  // ...

In Swiper 7:

import Swiper, { Navigation, Pagination } from 'swiper';

new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  // pass modules here
  modules: [Navigation, Pagination],
  // ...

Free Mode Module

Free Mode functionality moved to separate Free Mode module out of the core.

In Swiper 6:

import Swiper from 'swiper';

new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  freeMode: true,
  freeModeMinimumVelocity: 0.2,
  freeModeMomentum: false,

In Swiper 7:

// import FreeMode module if you use core version of Swiper
import Swiper, { FreeMode } from 'swiper';

new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  // install FreeMode module if you use core version of Swiper
  modules: [FreeMode],
  freeMode: {
    enabled: true,
    minimumVelocity: 0.2,
    momentum: false,

Grid Module

Grid (slidesPerColumn) functionality moved to separate Grid module out of the core.

In Swiper 6:

import Swiper from 'swiper';

new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  slidesPerColumn: 2,
  slidesPerColumnFill: 'row',

In Swiper 7:

// import Grid module if you use core version of Swiper
import Swiper, { Grid } from 'swiper';

new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  // install Grid module if you use core version of Swiper
  modules: [Grid],
  grid: {
    rows: 2,
    fill: 'row',

Manipulation Module

Slides manipulation methods (swiper.appendSlide(), swiper.prependSlide()) functionality moved to separate Manipulation module out of the core.

In Swiper 6:

import Swiper from 'swiper';

new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  // ...

swiper.appendSlide('<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1</div>');

In Swiper 7:

// import Manipulation module if you use core version of Swiper
import Swiper, { Manipulation } from 'swiper';

new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  // install Manipulation module if you use core version of Swiper
  modules: [Manipulation],
  // ...

// Now slides manipulation methods are available
swiper.appendSlide('<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1</div>');

Custom Module (Plugin) API

Swiper Pluging API was highly reworked in Swiper 7. And now it uses a function sytax instead of the object. Which means any custom plugin written for Swiper 6 will not work with Swiper 7 (and vice versa).

In Swiper 6:

 * Plugin Definition
const MyPlugin = {
  params: {
    myPluginParameter: false,
  create() {
    const swiper = this;
    swiper.myPlugin = {
      doSomething() {
        console.log('my plugin does something');
  on: {
    init(swiper) {
      if (!swiper.params.myPluginParameter) return;
      console.log('my plugin init');

 * Plugin Usage


const swiper = new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  myPluginParameter: true,


In Swiper 7:

 * Plugin Definition
function MyPlugin({ swiper, extendParams, on }) {
    myPluginParameter: false,
  swiper.myPlugin = {
    doSomething() {
      console.log('my plugin does something');
  on('init', (_swiper) => {
    if (!swiper.params.myPluginParameter) return;
    console.log('my plugin init');
 * Plugin Usage

const swiper = new Swiper('.my-swiper', {
  modules: [MyPlugin],
  myPluginParameter: true,
